Take Online Classes with Jo Tastula

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Become a Glo member today. With thousands of classes for every interest, experience level and schedule, all taught by world-class teachers, we make it easy to integrate yoga and meditation into your daily life.

"Yoga on the mat is a sacred laboratory where we can shed our protective exterior and be with ourselves in a deep and healing way."

Jo offers over 15 years of experience in leading Vinyasa Flow classes that are devoted to creating a sacred space in which you can channel energy towards transformative and life affirming means. This is done through intention, dedication, prayer, conscious breath, sound and movements that reflect radical self care in the truth of the moment. Vinyasa is an unhurried exploratory and creative flow that is steeped in the traditions of yoga master Krishnamacharya and the yoga traditions of Iyengar and Ashtanga yoga. With over 20 years of practice and devotion to the healing arts including; meditation, Shiatsu & 5 Element Theory, Energetic Bodywork, Prenatal/Post Natal yoga, Nutrition, Anatomy/Physiology and Core Shamanism; Jo brings into the practice a reverence for the mystery of life and encourages all students to practice with spontaneity by stepping into the unknown.

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Level 1 10 mins

Practice a technique that helps you grasp your mind, observing how thoughts connect and where feelings come from. Experience how your breath interacts with your emotions and sensations to increase your self-awareness as a skill to keep calm when under stress. This meditation is narrated by Jo Tastula and overseen by Glo’s Yoga & Meditation Expert, Sara Ivanhoe, M.A.


Level 1 10 mins

This grounding mindfulness meditation offers inspiration to get through ups and downs. Practice a calming breathing exercise to increase self-awareness and set intentions for how you strive to show up in your day-to-day. This meditation is narrated by Jo Tastula and written by Glo's Yoga & Meditation Expert, Sara Ivanhoe, M.A.


Level 1 10 mins

Practice using your breath as an anchor to calm your mind as you explore your thoughts, feelings, and sensations to find their root. This mindfulness meditation guides you in embracing emotions you may otherwise choose to avoid to support your growth and move forward. This meditation is narrated by Jo Tastula and overseen by Glo’s Yoga & Meditation Expert, Sara Ivanhoe, M.A.

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