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8 limbs of yoga
The Language of Yoga

Eight Limbs of Yoga: Samadhi

To experience samadhi, which is sometimes called enlightenment, it's often said that you lose your sense of self as a separate from the other. The observer and the observed blend into one. …

The Language of Yoga

The Niyamas: Saucha

The yamas are known as the restraints, while the niyamas are thought of as the observances. The first niyama, saucha, which is often translated as cleanliness or purity, is an interesting one to start with because its interpretations can…

The Language of Yoga

The Yamas: Aparigraha

The last yama is usually translated as non-greed or non-possessiveness. But a better way to think of it might be learning how to deal with our innate desire for more, or at least, to sit with the desire, observe…