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Inner Space - Preview

Jo Tastula teacher avatar
Vinyasa Flow with Jo Tastula
Level 2 - 60 mins
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The atoms in our bodies are predominately comprised of space. Our fundamental makeup is one of openness. When we are stressed out we lose touch with this essential part of ourselves and feel bound up and contracted. In this flow we meditate on the idea of inner space, and how that translates through different postures. Unwind tension with easy pose spirals (sukhasana) & cat/cow (marjaryasana/bitilasana) lunges, one legged balance poses; tree (vrksasana) eagle (garudasana), warrior standing sequence; warrior 2(virabhadrasana 2) triangle (utthita trikonasana) half moon (ardha chandrasana). Free time for inversions or deeper hip openers. Cool down cobblers pose (baddha konasana) head to knee (janu sirsasana) reclined cobblers (supta baddha konasana). Backbend & twist with savasana to finish.







60 minutes