Browsing Tag

felicia tomasko

There's a Class for That

Release Fear

Yoga can help dive into your body and release these emotions stored in tissues with long holds and attention to the breath.…

pose of the week
Pose Library

Pose of the Week: Tree Pose

In this week's Pose of the week Felicia Tomosko demonstrates Vrksasana or Tree Pose. Find your strength and balance in this one-legged standing pose. Learn the basics and variations that you can practice as you advance on your tree…

overheard in yoga class
Overheard in Class

Cultivating Compassion

In this week's Overheard in Yoga Class, explains that sometimes an attitude of self compassion can be one of the most challenging practices.…

overheard in yoga class
There's a Class for That

Get Grounded

In this week's Overheard in Yoga Class, Felicia Tomasko reminds us that even in those moments where we may not necessarily feel a lot of support around us, the earth itself is always a source of support.…

weekend challenge
The Language of Yoga

Weekend Challenge: Building Resilience

So this weekend, if you are dealing with a situation that you find hard to "bounce-back" from, use that as an opportunity to try and cultivate your inner resilience. You will notice that it will be a lot easier…