There's a Class for That

Cultivate Compassion

Why is it that we feel so compassionate sometimes and then other times we have no feeling at all? Why does compassion sometimes feel arbitrary? Can we cultivate a life in which compassion is a fundamental, permanent, on-going condition that we live in? Studies show that yoga can, indeed, help keep us in the space of compassion from moment to moment.

This week’s featured classes will cultivate compassion in our lives.

  • Find Compassion, Insight & Ease with Stephanie Snyder: This special class is a combo of somatic movement and vinyasa flow. The first 30 minutes are restorative and nurturing floor work and then the last 30 minutes are well rounded vinyasa flow including Urdvha Danurasana. The somatic movement will inform your vinyasa with compassion, insight and ease.
  • Cultivate Compassion with Tiffany Cruikshank: A meditation on compassion by the Dali Lama, one of my personal favorites. This is one you will want to repeat, possibly daily. Especially helpful if you are struggling with someone and having trouble making peace with them and just a great overall practice for cultivating compassion in your life.
  • Compassion with Tara Judelle: Focusing on the heart, the lungs, and the shoulder girdle to give space for the heart (the seat of the mind) to open. This classes eases you into backbends to facilitate the attitude of compassion.
  • Four Steps of Self-Compassion with Sally Kempton: Sally helps us to invoke the experience of self-compassion through four steps, and then leads us in a meditation on living AS compassion.
  • Universal Compassion with David Harshada Wagner: Send your loving kindness, well wishes and light to all beings.
  • The Warrior Within with Steven Espinosa: Cultivating your inner warrior by finding a balance between strength and sensitivity, courage and compassion, power and grace. Gentle warm up leading up to a strong Standing Pose series focusing on Virabhadrasana (warrior) 1, 2 and 3. Also includes a breakdown of Warrior 3 starting at the wall and then without the wall. Continues with Virasana (hero), Hip Openers (eye of the needle) and Supta Padagustasana (hamstring stretch). Concludes with Back Bends in Setu Banda Sarvangasana (bridge) and/or Urdhva Danurasana (upward facing bow) and Supine Spinal Twists.

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